Thursday, November 8, 2012

known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (Acknowledgements - References)


This work was supported by NANOSAFE (Risk Assessment in Production and Use of Nanoparticles with Development of Preventive Measures and apply Codes) project funded by the eu Community below the "Competitive and property Growth" Programme, Contract G1MA-CT-2002-00020. Full report are often found at http:/ / imperia/ md/ content/ tz/ zuknftigetechnologien/ 11.pdf


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  1. known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (1. Introduction & 2. General background)
  2. known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (3. Lung & 2. 4. Intestinal tract)
  3. known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (5. Skin & 6. Body distribution and systemic effects of particulates)
  4. known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (7. Differences in conditions between the lung and intestinal tract & 8. Conclusions)
  5. known and unknown health risks - Nanoparticles (Acknowledgements - References)

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